There are lots of different types of sugar, but white refined sugar might be the worst. In a study about how it affects your digestion, people reported more constipation and other problems with their gut health when they ate a lot of it
Processed Foods
Most of us know that processed foods aren't exactly healthy, but the effects that they can have on your digestive system balance might surprise you. A recent study conducted on mice revealed that the emulsifiers used in heavily-processed foods disturbed their gut microbiota so much that many developed colitis and metabolic diseases. (2)
Soy is usually thought of as healthy, but the way it's processed has changed. High levels of soy in your diet can make you sick because it reduces two types of bacteria that are really important for a healthy gut.
Even if you aren't lactose intolerant, dairy may not be the best choice for your stomach. Studies have shown that dairy consumption changes the bacterial makeup of your gut within days, allowing strains linked to intestinal disease and inflammation to flourish.
Red Meat
Eating red meat is just as bad for your health as eating dairy. It has the same negative effects on your gut bacteria, like weight and immune function.
Gluten is a protein found in lots of different grains, like wheat and barley. It can cause stomach pain, bloating, and fatigue in people who don't have Celiac disease. Studies show that going gluten-free lowers insulin resistance, inflammation, and weight gain/obesity too.
A new study says that eggs might not be bad for your cholesterol levels, but they can lead to heart disease in a different way. The Cleveland Clinic found that eggs encourage the growth of gut bacteria that produce a chemical compound that causes clotting and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Scientists are trying to grow crops that are naturally resistant to pests and disease. But the traits that help them resist disease can hurt your gut! Studies show that GMOs reduce the good bacteria in your gut.
Tap Water
Water Drinking enough water is important, but the type of water you drink matters too. Tap water is treated with lots of chemicals, including chlorine, and that can lead to colorectal cancer. Filtered water is the best option.
The reason corn is bad for your gut health is because 90% of all the corn grown in America is genetically modified. It's really common in our diet, so it might be best to avoid eating it at all costs if you want a healthy gut.
Farmed Fish
Fish are either farmed or wild, and there are lots of differences between the two. One reason that fish from farms can be bad for your gut is because they're fed huge amounts of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill all bacteria in your gut, including the good ones, so you end up with an unhealthy balance of strains.
Tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and bell peppers are healthy for you, but they have one ingredient that could be really bad for your stomach. It's called glycoalkaloids and it causes leaky gut in mice.
So what SHOULD your child eat?
Almonds and Nuts
Fresh Fruits (Raspberries, apples, blueberries, blackberries, etc.)
Quinoa and Other Whole Grains
Sweet Potatoes
Broccoli and Cruciferous Vegetables
Which of those will your child actually eat? MAYBE one? Check out this article, Tips for Increasing Gut-Healthy Foods in Your Picky Eater's Diet